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A simple and affordable real-time loyalty program, promotion of your business among thousands of potential buyers, a mobile application for tracking purchases and customers - all this in the CartaMe Loyalty


CartaMe Loyalty is a simple loyalty program with all the features of an expensive and large loyalty program, but much cheaper and more convenient. CartaMe Loyalty consists of a mobile application for a cashier and a personal account of an entrepreneur (manager).

In the personal account, an entrepreneur can set bonus points or discount percentages for his regular customers, tell the audience of the CartaMe application about his new promotion, check the discounts provided by sellers. The cashier application has a scanner for registering customers and accruing discounts or points to them, as well as a simple purchase registration form.

shops are already connected to us


Step 1 - The entrepreneur installs the CartaMe Loyalty application on the smartphone of his seller using a special link, and registers in it, and also creates his account in the personal account of the CartaMe Loyalty system.

Step 2 - When making a purchase, the buyer presents his barcode from the CartaMe application installed on his smartphone. The seller opens his CartaMe Loyalty application and scans the buyer's barcode from the smartphone screen, then enters the purchase amount into the application and clicks on the "Purchase" button

Step 3 - The buyer receives a discount or bonus points (depending on the decision of the entrepreneur), and the entrepreneur receives the buyer's data, which he can later use to customize his advertising messages.

Step 4 - The entrepreneur in his online personal account sees the data of buyers, their purchases, discount amounts, revenue data for each of the retail facilities or cashiers, and other information.

224 700


This amount of people are registered in the CartaMe app and use it every day!


largest retailers

We have already connected such large networks as Hippo, Belmarket, Sosedi, Alfa Apteka, and many others!

1 885


Already connected to us. Connect you too!



In which our system is already functioning!

want to join us?



Official partner of the project

CartaMe is the brand of 2021 in Belarus by VISA

The CartaMe mobile app consolidates the loyalty cards of stores of different brands around one identifier, which allows entrepreneurs to recognize their customer, and customers to get rid of multiple loyalty cards, replacing them with one application. The CartaMe-Visa bank card with such an identifier, which combines discount and payment in one action, was awarded the Brand of the Year title among bank cards in Belarus by Visa Corporation in 2021.


Image Description
Andrei Dylenok


20 years of successful business experience.

Founded and led the company to implement his own idea.
In 2018, the MVP was created, in 2021, the CartaMe software package.

Successful experience in attracting private investment in 2020

Image Description
Dmitriy Fitsner


20 years experience in marketing and sales. 10 years of leadership experience.

A well-known specialist in the country in the creation, positioning and
promotion in the trade market

Image Description
Shipalov Victor

15 years of successful experience in IT.

Head of many IT projects.

10 years experience in integration
various retail systems and banks with external systems.

CartaMe Loyalty Program: An intuitive and low-cost strategy for small and medium-sized businesses

In today's competitive marketplace, attracting and retaining customers has become one of the key aspects of a successful business. For SMEs, it is especially important to have affordable and effective tools to establish long-term customer relationships.

Loyalty system - as a way to retain the customer and increase profits.

The more a loyalty system is recognizable, the more likely a customer is to stay loyal to the brand or company. Loyalty systems have become an integral part of successful businesses these days. They help to attract new customers, retain existing ones and increase sales.

Customer base: how and where to conduct.

It is impossible to imagine effective work with the database without automating business processes. To do this, it is convenient to use special programs or services. Consider the most popular.

Customer base: what is it, how to assemble it

The customer base is a powerful tool for company development and a way to increase sales. But the effectiveness of such a tool directly depends on whether you know how to work with it. Collecting customer numbers even with additional information is a way to nowhere if there is no further work with the data.